Protecting Your Furniture From Dog Hair And Nails - The Villages Florida Wi

Protecting Your Furniture From Dog Hair And Nails

How to Protect Furniture From Dog Hair and Nails

Your dog loves your furniture as much as you do but your pants don't agree.

Here are a few ways to protect furniture from dog hair and scratches.

Pet Furniture Covers

For years, protecting couches and sofas from dog hair and nail scratches has been a constant struggle, but thankfully there are tons of furniture covers out there now. For sofas, you can use a furniture cover for pets that protect the entire surface area or simply protect the seating area; it depends on your needs.

If your small dog enjoys walking along the top of your sofa, I would recommend Sure Fit slipcovers that protect your entire sofa. Many years ago, I stumbled upon this brand and have used it for years. It's a struggle to get the tightly fitting cover on the sofa, but once it's snuggly in place, it'll protect your leather or fabric sofa from tears, scratches and dog hair. This slipcover washes well too. I removed the cover once a month and laundered it in warm water, then dried it on low heat. Our slipcover lasted for years.

For dogs that enjoy snoozing in the seating area of your sofa, I would recommend a couch protector that covers this area only. There are tons of options to choose from--I don't have a specific brand that I really like--but you can hop on Amazon and purchase a five-star-rated brand. Gosh, you can even add a splash of color to your sofa with these options or choose a color that blends in seamlessly. Not only will these covers protect your sofa from dog hair and nails, but they can also easily be removed when guests come over and launder really well.

Protecting Your Bed and Comforter

Bedding is pretty easy to protect from dogs; just throw an old sheet or blanket over your current bedding. It's easy to remove when guests come over and you can wash it as often as needed. When we travel, we bring our freshly laundered blanket to cover hotel or guest beds. Plus, there are waterproof options as well for incontinent seniors or puppies with muddy paws.

Train Your Dog Not to Get on Furniture

Allowing dogs on your furniture is a personal choice. Personally, I don't mind it one bit. Dogs will instinctively climb up and get cozy on your bed, chair or sofa because it's soft and warm; it has nothing to do with dominance.

If you prefer your dog stays off your furniture, that's fine, but you must be consistent. It's unfair to allow your dog to lounge peacefully on your sofa one day, and then demand your dog to get off the sofa the following day. If your dog climbs onto a chair, teach him the "off" cue. With an "off" cue, there's no fussing, yelling or punishing. All you have to do is say "off," as you toss a treat on the floor. And no, you're not rewarding your dog for getting in the chair; you're actually rewarding your dog for jumping off on cue. Soon, your dog will learn the floor is much more rewarding than your chair.

Now, it's impossible to expect your dog to lie on a hard cold floor, so invest in some comfy dog beds. Remember to reward your dog for lying in his bed by giving him food stuffed toysto enjoy while chilling on his bed. Additionally, you can teach your dog the "place" cue that will really make his bed rewarding. Don't forget to crate your dog while you're away. This way he doesn't sneak on furniture while no one is home.

Punishment Doesn't Work

Scat mats are a waste of time and money plus they can scare some dogs. There are easier, quicker and more humane ways to teach dogs new behaviors than by shocking them. Additionally, screaming and yelling will just confuse your dog. Teach him to do something else instead.

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